Innovation Impact Assessment

Innovation Impact Assessment

Generating data within your organisation is vital to inform decision making and to report on progress to all types of stakeholders. Colab-8 combines the measurement of innovation within the organisation with the social impact you are having, or plan to have in order to inform decisions around maximising growth, resilience and legacy.

Innovation Assessment

Measuring innovation is key to achieving tangible results from it. Establishing the right metrics has the power to bring leadership on board, to attract talent to turn ideas into results and to gather resources to successfully execute innovative strategies.

We help our clients identify appropriate activity and impact metrics, condense them to a core set of variables and to determine the ideal report frequency to ensure meaningful and actionable interpretation.

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Impact Assessment

Our clients want to succeed in achieving their growth objectives, but invariably they also want to have a positive impact on the society they serve and operate within.

Expanding on the measurement of innovation and its contribution to success, we work with our clients to put in place measuring systems to assess the business impact on our 8 social drivers and to incorporate the specific desired impact areas of the client.

A comprehensive measuring tool enables our clients to show the impact they are having, to target positive impact areas and to forecast the impact they will have through successful implementation of their strategy.

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Let's start a conversation - we want to help you identify ways to develop.

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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